Land classing video prepared by Annemaree Docking for YRLN.
Melbourne Water Liveable Communities
We encourage landowners to apply for funding from Melbourne Water to increase the biodiversity of their land and improve waterways health. Funding can assist with issues such as weed removal, planting of indigenous species, fencing and water points for stock control and prevention of erosion.
Yarra4Life is a collaborative environmental program that aims to improve the quality of land, water and natural habitat in the Yarra Valley and to help protect and enhance the survival of native species in the region.
The program's strength is its ability to bring a range of individuals, groups and organisations together to deliver programs that make tangible environmental improvements, and encourage and educate individuals and businesses about the need to invest in improving the Yarra environment.
Junior Landcare
Junior Landcare is about encouraging young people to play an active role in ensuring the safe future of their environment.
Launched in May 1998, Junior Landcare recognises that the contribution of young people is vital if the land they are to inherit is to be in the best possible condition. Junior Landcare also encourages young people to develop a sense of responsibility to the land and other natural resources.